What is La Mesa...

We are a network of Boricuas advancing an innovative agenda in support of the leadership of all Puerto Ricans living in Florida.
We galvanize leaders that can also serve as representatives/leaders in larger movement spaces bringing Mesa Boricua’s vision and viewpoints.

Our Mission

La Mesa Boricua de Florida is a strategic movement to strengthen the power and well-being of Puerto Ricans everywhere. Through political representation, economic empowerment, and cultural affirmation our grassroots movement unites and develops leaders, builds capacity and maximizes our power to advance social justice.

Our Network

We are a network for Puerto Ricans by Puerto Ricans that aims to create connections starting at the local level and creates synergies towards building statewide and national power.

Our Work

We facilitate progressive organizations [coming together] for Puerto Ricans in Florida.

Our Strategy

La Mesa works across the state to develop a strategic engagement plan to build socio-economic and political power and to be in control of our own narrative.
La Mesa is a network for Puerto Ricans by Puerto Ricans that aims to create connections starting at the local level and creates synergies towards building statewide and national power.
La Mesa serves as a strong, connecting front between Puerto Rican led efforts and organizations. While La Mesa pursues progressive change, we do so by engaging diverse sectors.

Our Founders

Jimmy Torres

Maria Rodriguez

Our Steering Committee

Jimmy Torres

Maria Rodriguez

Maria Revelles

Maruxa Cárdenas

Lisa Zayas

Adriana Rivera

Eliseo Santana

Osvaldo Fonseca

Krizia Lopez Arce

Ricardo Negrón

Moving Forward

La Casa Boricua : Creating spaces in counties in which Puerto Ricans can learn about history, culture, leadership, art, and much more.

Increase Political Representation : Comprehensive integrated voter engagement.

Develop a Platform : Developing an intersectional issue-based platform for the empowerment of our communities.

Leadership Academy : Host leadership trainings for the future community leaders.

Strategic Communication : Strengthen our communication with the archpelago to continue to support our people ina meaningful and impactful way.